Saturday, August 10, 2019

Disifectant lab Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disifectant lab - Assignment Example It was highly effective in Gram positive S. aureus (inhibition diameter of 20mm) compared to the Gram negative bacteria (P. aureginosa and E. coli at inhibition diameters of 0 and 6 mm). Chlorox, which contains sodium hypochlorite works by unfolding and permanently aggregating vital bacterial proteins hence killing bacteria. Fabuloso is a cleaning agent without antimicrobial properties. However, it inhibited the growth of S. aureus and P. aureginosa (at inhibition diameter s of 25 mm and 36 mm respectively) by acting as a detergent and interfering with the cell membrane. 3. The disinfectants worked differently on different organisms because certain microbes such as E. coli and P. aureginosa were Gram negative while S. aureus was Gram positive. All disinfectants were effective against S. aureus because they were able to traverse the thick peptidoglycan layer of its cell wall. In addition, the disinfectants contained different active ingredients, which had different chemical properties. 4. The disinfectant of choice for use in the kitchen, laboratory or on myself would be Clorox. I would choose Clorox because it showed the largest inhibition distance in the growth of the three microbes at inhibition diameters of 55 mm 54 mm and 46 mm for E. coli, P. aureginosa and S. aureus respectively. Therefore, it would be an effective disinfectant because it would destroy an array of bacteria. In addition, it is relatively safe for human use since it contains chemicals that are used in the treatment of drinking

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